What You Should Be Listening To #1

    Hey another feature I just thought of, What You Should Be Listening To. This feature is music I listen to that I think you should listen to other then 50 cent or Jim Jones or Fallout Boy. Take my advice or not but I guarantee that if you do you'll be way happier by listening to some stuff with actual meaning.

Definitive Swim

    The first music you should be listening to is actually a compilation of artist and a free download! Click the link above and get to downloading. This Album includes El-P, Mr. Lif and a new favorite of mine Cage. Cage is being called a emo rapper but "Blood Boy" is a great tale of a boy that hasn't stopped bleeding since birth. Also a great remix to the already great song "Brothaz" by Mr. Lif is included now featuring Cannibal Ox. This album is defiantly a great start in underground hip hop in my opinion, so pick it up cause its free!!! Check back later and i'll post when each artist of the great label Def Jux albums are coming out.

Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass" - Aug. 28

Cage "Depart From Me" - Spring 2008

Cool Calm Pete "Lost" - Out Now!(note not newest album came out 2005)

Hanger 18 "Sweep the Leg" - 2007

El-P "I'll Sleep When Your Dead" - Out Now!

Mr. Lif "Mo'Mega" - Out Now!

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