What I've been playing this week #1

   Hey this is the start of something I'd like to keep up on, What i've been playing this week!

   This week I've been playing a bunch of games on and off. These games being Wild Arms 3, Dark Cloud 2, Disgaea 2 and Ultimate Spiderman, Not really a bunch but w/e!

Wild Arms 3(7.5)

    This game is okay but after playing something like FF XII its hard to go back to a tradition rpg. The Wild Arms series always tried to make the random battle less repetitive by allowing you to push a button to avoid them but you can only do this a certain amount of times before the game forces you to battle. This is good so you keep your level up but bad because random battles are plan annoying after awhile. I find myself picking up this game and playing it really to just find out whats gonna happen next.

Dark Cloud 2(9.0)

   This game was awesome, and I say was cause I finally finished it! I bought the game when it first came out go to the very end lost the game and never finished it. Now I'm happy to say I finished it and the ending was a little blah. I wont spoil it for anyone that hasn't played it yet but not what I was expecting from the ending. Also the game was great but near the end I hate to force myself to finish it, probably because the difficulty ramped up probably because I didn't do to well finding the items to increase my health.

Disgaea 2(8.2)

   Bought this game a few months ago and stopped playing because its hard! I played many other games from Nippon Ichi such as Makai Kingdom and the first Disgaea but this ones 10X harder then those. Its hard mainly because the single maps throw almost puzzle like battles your way. One requires you to manipulate the geo, which most story maps don't make you do. Also in case you didn't know manipulating the geo is hard...at least to me. I'll finish this game eventually.

Ultimate Spiderman(7.1)

    This is a game I bought because I love Spiderman. I had actually finished it before and started it again....just because. Probably because I read that the Spiderman 3 game wasn't good and wanted to get my Spiderman on if you will. Very short game I finished it in one day, I think I finished it in 2 weeks the first time through probably because I had school.

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