
This weeks.....well not week, this rave is about a great free independent game I discovered called Knytt. I discovered this game from the video game blog site
Knytt is a very simple but great platformer. You play as a kid, I think named Knytt not sure, who is abducted by a alien when wondering around. When traveling though space the aliens UFO is struck by a asteroid and the alien and Knytt plummet to a nearby planet. Knytt and the Alien survive but the UFO isn't in too good of shape. It is up to you to explore the huge planet to find the items you need to repair the UFO and travel home.
Like said before Knytt is a very simple platformer with a lot of charm. The background and music are both great. When exploring you'll always be anxious to see the next environment and hear the next song. There are very few hazards except for water, lava, and sharp crystals. You'll encounter very few enemies which makes this game pretty easy. Also to add to the games easiness you have unlimited lives and checkpoints. Despite these game being easy its still a very relaxing and great game that everyone should play for a little fun.
When you play and enjoy this game, which I'm sure you will, check out a game called Within a Deep Forest which is made by the same people who made Knytt. Also they are working on yet another game, said to be released on Aug. 30th, which is also free. Within a Deep Forest,Knytt and their new game can all be found in the link below.
Nifflas' Games