
Though i've never gone to the doctor about this problem, I think it is a problem. Its the fact that I can never get to sleep at night at a good time. Really it doesn't matter much cause i'm currently not working or going to school but I really don't think its healthy. It seems I'm awake way more then I am asleep and I know sleep is a very important thing.

Maybe its just the fact that i'm always on this damned thing we call the computer. Don't get me wrong I love computers and the internet but I think it really is connected to my sleeping problem. but then again that isn't really fair to say because I have self control, or i should, and I should be able to say "No!" to the computer asking me to search for useless junk.

Just to let you know how bad my sleeping habits have gotten, yesterday I went to bed at 3 and woke up at 8, thats only 5 hours of sleep! i've seen things online and in magazines saying that sleeping in small amounts is actually a more efficient way to rest your body. I forgot the actual number of days we waste in our lifes sleeping but it was around a few years of our lifes we sleep, which baffles me! Maybe i'm doing it right without knowing or something, I mean I am a strong believer in just enjoying every minute of life even if your bored out of your mind. Well this post was gonna ask for you readers *snickers* to tell me ways they get to sleep but I dont think I wanna sleep more.

So how about this question: do you think you could get used to sleeping for 4 hours a night? So if you look over this blog answer please! Be a contributer not a lurker and I really appreciate any comment I get. Okay I'm gonna go and not sleep for awhile!

My Wallpapers #1-No Bitch Ass Ness

No Bitch Ass Ness
Like it says ness sucks! This is based off of Diddys, thats Sean Combs aka Puff Daddy aka P. Diddy not Diddy Kong, No Bitch Ass Ness "Campaign". This is what happens when you turn on the t.v. and its on MTV.

Song of the Day #2- Nujabes- Counting Stars

Hey there ladys and gentlemen since i'm biringing back my blog I figured i'd bring it back the way it used to be but improve it, So heres todays song of the day!

Nujabes-Counting Stars

Nujabes has to be one of my favorite artist, for many different reasons. One is because all his songs are instrumentals, because of that his songs have a totally different layer of artisticness to them. Sure vocal less music isn't a new thing but Nujabes just does it better then others and music without words isnt very common among people.

Songs without words don't need to tell you what their about. They don't need to tell you to get up and dance or sit back in chill. And because of their ability to subliminally evoke emotions they are ten times as powerful as a normal song. So enough about me rambling about how more music should have less words.....what? I didnt start? well I wont I'll save that for another day.

Resurrecting An-d's Rants and Raves- Now A2Rs for cool purposes :D

So I figured I'd bring this blog back, which basically has a reader count, one being me. Also i'm renaming and redesigning, or maybe I should say designing cause a default blogger template doesn't really count as a design. The new name will be A2Rs cause abbreviations are cool.....well to me they are. I'll try to get into more of a groove for this and actually update a least once a day and maybe more. This post right now will probally be the post for today cause its getting late and I don't know of anything to post about today, well maybe i'll post the cool new banner that i'll be making before I pass out. So expect that....or not cause my reader count will remain 1 for quite awhile I guess.